This month in Dopex is the official monthly newsletter covering all things Dopex, where you can keep track of the latest updates and announcements on SSOVs, partnerships, protocol upgrades, community events, etc. We can’t promise that alpha won’t be shared here. As always, DYOR and everything in this article is not financial advice.

March has been a very busy month not only for the Dopex team, but also for the Dopex Community. While the team was heads down working on the newests vaults and products such as rDPX v2, Atlantic options and partner integrations, Dopex community came up with its own series of explainoor articles and community-led project built on top of Dopex recently concluded its seed raise.

Still curious, anon?

Let’s go through the latest news and updates on Dopex:

Protocol updates

April Epoch

April Epoch officially started last March 30, 2022 and will close on Friday, April 1 2022, 8:00am UTC which is approximately 24 days from now. You still have a lot of time to think about which options to buy and what strategies to utilize.

Think well anon!

Dopex Listings

Dopex is now listed on three new applications namely, TokenPocket, Apeboard and Debank. TokenPocket users can now interact with the Dopex dApp and buy options straight from their wallets in a quick and hassle free process. On the other hand, users can now monitor their DPX and rDPX holdings on Apeboard and Debank.

Here are the official links to the applications:


The team is also working on a new UI/UX for our dApp so stay tuned for more sneaks on how the new dApp will look like.


Dopex Insider: Team Q&A - Part 4

We also have another episode of Dopex insider where we interview our team members and give the Dopefam community an idea on who the Dopex team members are.

In this edition, we are interviewing Despereaux, Nini, Zombie, Bigbazuso, and Ax.

Read the full article by clicking here.

Product updates

The latest product released in Dopex is the TZWAP function, where users can buy token assets spread out over a certain period with order sizes determined by the user. The advantage of having this function is that it can be used to buy larger quantities of assets with lower slippage risk.


If you want to learn more about TZWAP, read the full article here.

While you’re at it, go visit the app at

Partners, partners and more partners

Wen marketing?

Dopex team has recently concluded AMAs and community calls with up and coming partners who will be building on top of Dopex, deploying their own strategies on Dopex, or will be having their own SSOVs.

Here are our recently announced partners for the month of March

  • @indexcoop
  • @HallsofOlympia
  • @UmamiFinance
  • @DefiKingdoms
  • @MetisDAO
  • @AladdinDAO

Stay tuned for more partner announcements by joining our Discord or following our socials accounts on Twitter and Telegram

Community analyst series

This month we also released the community analyst series which are independent opinion and educational articles written by contributors. The articles include a short introduction on SSOV tokens and the possible strategies that users can employ to secure yield through the Dopex options platform.

Tokens covered: ETH, rDPX, DPX, gOHM, AVAX, GMX, CRV, BNB and LUNA

Special mention to the 12 analysts who contributed to the series this month: CryptoPlainview#6456, Omeguhh#3563, 0xSaitama#5945, asincuka#1429, fiatpsychopomp#5485, wossi.eth (🕊,💎)#9012, Ali#4813, donuts_itm#5236, teamxcool#8304, luca🇮🇹#4900, DeFi-Kun B (💎, 🚀)#3632, and 1onz#5521.

Visit our blog to read the full articles

Diamond Pepes Gen 2 mint

With the widely successful Diamond Pepes pledging done earlier this month, the team decided to create an official diamond pepe twitter account @DiamondPepe so don’t forget to follow if you want the latest updates on the project.

With that said, Nutoro, the CEO of Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd, released a quick recap on how Gen 2 mint will proceed.

Visit CEO Nutoro’s article on diamond gen 2 pledge for more information.

Community Ecosystem

Community-led projects in Dopex are building quietly through these times of market uncertainty.

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

📱Stay Connected

Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date with everything Dopex.

Twitter | Discord | Website


Be careful of fake Telegram groups, Discord servers and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate Dopex.