Treasury Update - September 2023

Treasury Update - September 2023

Treasury Update - September 2023


Someday we will turn this…


Into this…


It might not be today, brothers and sisters, but that day shall come.

On to the October treasury report!

Treasury Wallets

This report is based on Dopex’s protocol-owned wallets which can be found at the following addresses:

  • 0x04e38cdc3559fe6d91291cf4084d16340e4b585f
  • 0x7d6fadb02e70bfb6325cfd6ec5605e552115aa76
  • 0xb8689b7910954bf73431f63482d7dd155537ea7e
  • 0x2fa6f21ecfe274f594f470c376f5bdd061e08a37
  • 0x738ee36d7b860cefff526553e28a2b8928de4483
  • 0x0a95222b5ed8690a0279993e63903687536ccecd

These have been masterfully compiled in this Zapper profile here for your ease of perusal.

As per usual, some funds have been added or omitted from the protocol balances for the following reasons:


MM funds (total ~$269,630)

We have funds deployed to external MMs amounting to 592 $DPX, 19 $ETH and 193,362 $USDT.


LP Positions unlisted on Zapper (total ~$784,373)

As usual some of our beloved Dopex LP positions are not yet listed on Zapper

but are a source of yield for our cheeky little treasury.

Atlantic Straddles

445,975 $USDC is deployed to Atlantic Straddles across $ETH, $DPX, and $rDPX for our straddle enjoyooors.

Atlantic Perp Protection

Funds deployed to Atlantic Perp Protection have been removed with the product’s sunsetting.

Dopex v2 awaits!

Option Scalps

99,533 $USDC (multiple transactions) and 60,000 $ARB (total ~$170,333) is deployed to Option Scalps for our short attention span nuggets.


51,000 $USDC (multiple transactions), 27 $ETH, and 60,000 $ARB (total ~$190,071) is deployed to 0dte for our lovers of a so-called “spread”.


Dust Amounts

Various dust amounts from our vlCVX rewards have been omitted since we have plenty of money and this is what we call “immaterial”.

Account Balances

See attached for account balance as at 30 September 2023 (Australia time of course).


Intriguing figures indeed.

Now a little pie chart for a per-asset breakdown:


Looks delicious.

Month-on-Month (MoM) Performance

Another slight drawdown on the monthly of 5.11%.

No matter, the so-called halvening approaches so fret not my beloved financial controlooors.

Closing Comments

Another month delving into the financial affairs of this glorious Company and what a month it was.

CEO eagerly awaits the launch of the dynamic duo of v2s to see what beautiful things can be ushered into this dastardly decentralized options space.

Until next time, my budding accountants.

Warm regards,

CFO (not to be confused with CEO)


About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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