The Dopex Grant Program represents our steadfast commitment to enhancing our product, fostering innovation in our protocol, and nurturing an expansive and robust ecosystem. Recognizing the essential role of our community in achieving these aims, we've launched this initiative to empower those capable of making meaningful contributions.

Our grant program, known as Diamond Grants, is an initiative dedicated to funding projects that align with our objectives. The Dopex team is responsible for overseeing this program, ensuring every grant contributes towards the development and enhancement of our protocol and the broader Dopex ecosystem.

💡 What are Diamond Grants?

Diamond Grants are part of the Dopex Grant Program, dedicated to stimulating growth and innovation within the Dopex ecosystem. The program's primary aim is to fund projects and ideas that will significantly contribute to improving our protocol and its ecosystem.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Who Can Apply?

We believe in the power of community and collective genius. Anyone who can contribute meaningfully to the Dopex ecosystem is welcome to apply. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Developers
  • UI/UX designers
  • Data analysts
  • Tokenomics experts
  • Anyone with a great idea

As long as you have a unique and compelling idea or skill set that can add value to the Dopex ecosystem, you can apply for a Diamond Grant.

🖥️ Current Funding Focus - Building a User-Friendly Front-end

In the current phase of the Diamond Grant program, we are specifically funding projects related to the development of a new front-end for Dopex. Our goal is to create an interface that's intuitively designed for retail users, making it as easy as possible for them to access and interact with our Options protocol.

If you are a developer, designer, or have an innovative solution to help us achieve this goal, we are more than excited to hear from you!

🔍 What We're Looking For:

Here's what we're looking for in the new front-end:

  • User-Friendly: The interface must be easy to navigate even for someone new to the DeFi Options space. We are targeting simplicity, intuitiveness, and accessibility.
  • Seamless Integration: The front-end should smoothly integrate with the Dopex protocol, providing users with a seamless experience from start to finish.
  • Reliable & Secure: User trust is paramount. The front-end must be reliable and secure, ensuring the user's assets and data are always protected.
  • Ability to scale: The front-end should be easily scalable to accommodate an increasing number of users without any significant performance issues.

📨 How to Apply?

ℹ️ Before applying for a grant, make sure you've given your application your all for the greatest outcomes! Your application may be supported by things like roadmaps, KPIs, milestones, an active presence in the community and/or a clear vision for how your project can improve the Dopex user experience.

To apply for a Diamond Grant, please submit a detailed proposal that outlines:

  1. The specific problem you aim to solve or the value you plan to add.
  2. How you intend to solve the problem or add this value.
  3. The expected timeline for your project.
  4. The anticipated resource allocation (e.g., funding, personnel, etc.) required.

Please submit your proposal to

💼 Aiding Your Success

Diamond Grant recipients will be supported by Dopex in several ways:

  • Tailored funding based on your project’s needs, tied to achievable milestones, deliverables, and budgets.
  • Regular communication with the Dopex team, providing guidance and support as you progress towards your milestones.
  • Opportunities to present your project to the Dopex Community and our Ecosystem Partners, gaining recognition for your accomplishments and progress.

For projects that successfully complete their Diamond Grants by meeting all of their milestones, collaboration continues with Dopex, where additional growth and networking opportunities are available to ensure that project success does not stop once the grant does.

🤝 Let's Build Together

The Diamond Grant Program is an invitation to all innovative minds to contribute to the Dopex ecosystem. Together, we can make Dopex an even better product and contribute to the growth of DeFi. Apply today, and let's build the future (of France 🇫🇷) together.


  • What is a grant?
  • A grant is a financial award given by an organization (in this case, Dopex) to fund a specific project or initiative. Unlike a loan, a grant does not need to be repaid. The goal of our Diamond Grants is to foster innovation, growth, and improvement within the Dopex ecosystem by financially supporting beneficial projects and ideas.

  • Who qualifies for a grant?
  • Diamond Grants are open to anyone who can contribute meaningfully to the Dopex ecosystem. This includes but is not limited to developers, UI/UX designers, data analysts, and Tokenomics experts. As long as you have an idea or skill that can significantly improve our protocol and ecosystem, you can apply for a Diamond Grant.

  • How much is the average grant request, and over how long?
  • The amount of each Diamond Grant can vary significantly based on the specific project's needs and scope. Therefore, there is no set "average" grant amount. We review each application on a case-by-case basis and determine funding based on the proposed project's potential impact on the Dopex ecosystem, the project's complexity, and the resources required. Similarly, the timeline of a grant is project-dependent. However, most grants aim to achieve their request milestones within six months of funding.

    Please note that funded grants will be distributed in DPX, ARB, USDC.

  • Who is reviewing the Diamond grants?
  • The Diamond Grants are reviewed by the Dopex team, which comprises a diverse group of experienced professionals in the DeFi space. The team assesses each grant application based on its potential value to the Dopex ecosystem, feasibility, and the applicant's ability to deliver. The primary aim is to ensure that each funded project aligns with our goal of improving Dopex in meaningful ways.

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

📱Stay Connected

Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date with everything Dopex.

Twitter | Discord | Website


Be careful of fake Telegram groups, Discord servers and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate Dopex.