Ayo what's good in the hood, Dopex is turning 2 tonight, and we are about to get this party started happy dance- but before all of that…. We want to say that we can’t be happier to celebrate this amazing day with all of you that are reading 🤗

This past year has been a wild ride so let’s recap some of the exciting bits and pieces:We've been updating and shipping products left and right; can you believe it’s been nearly a year since we first started talking about Atlanteenis, followed by the launch of the GMX Perp protection. Then, our beloved Bridgoors finally received the utility they craved via the bonding program. And we ended the 2022 party with the now long forgotten NuSanta NFTs. The start of 2023 was marked by our Asia CEX tour, followed by dipping our toes in another cross-chain deployment to Polygon, launched a VN community in between, and finally the release of the latest and greatest: Scalps, 0dte and Call options as an incentive! BUT we're not done just yet as we have plenty of products sitting on our pipeline waiting to be launched (https://twitter.com/dopex_io/status/1664595220342743040?s=20) #sooon #rDPXv2 #DPXv2.

Anyways, we’re grateful for all of you, for all the faith you had in us, the laughs we had in the watercooler, y’alls warm presence & much needed mental and emotional support through this unending bear market 🫂💙.

So without further ado let’s move over to the celebrations 🎉 🎂Cake, cake, CAKE?


No, we got you something better 😏

Unlocking Dopex's 2nd Anniversary: Find the Cryptographic Trail

mystery scavenger hunt!!

We know we know, it’s been awhile (Halloween 2021 to be exact) since we last did our proper scavenger hunt. And we still haven’t recovered from how crazy y’all went with the NFTs so Belleenis is still sitting at home with PTSD screaming NO NFTs this year crazy eyes-.Anyways, we’d rather you guys duel it out on the Diamond Pepitas games instead, but it seems like our Chief Jester Nut-o-ro doesn’t like the company enough to set something up.

🎁 So here we are, bearing presents in $DPX and $rDPX for anyone and everyone to claim!Read on how 👇🏼

📝 Wots happening?!

We’ve created 5 ERC20 wallets with each a set of 12 mnemonic phrases. It is on YOU to find these words, in the right order, to unlock the wallet!Simple right?

Okay so this is the process;

  • We have a total of 5 wallets, which prize goes to which wallet is unknown and will only be revealed at the end of the competition.
  • To open the wallet you’ll need to figure out the 12 mnemonic phrases per wallet.
  • In each wallet we’ve sprinkled a few shekels of ETH (about 0.003), just enough for you to cover gas fees to send ALL of this dust to your own wallet.
  • The moment this dust has been claimed by an ERC20 address, that address is the winner and will get the prize sent to them.
  • What prizes belong to what wallet will be revealed on our socials and sent to the winning wallet after the deadline!
  • Also, everything happens on Arbitrum, so the dust as well as prizes are sent on Arbitrum.


  • Scenario 1: You --> figure out the 12 words --> you unlock a dopex wallet --> you see 0.003 ETH --> you send ALL of this to your own wallet = Success you claimed this prize, you wait until after the deadline for prize reveal & distribution. The prize will be sent to the wallet where 0.003 ETH got sent to.
  • Scenario 2: You --> figure out the 12 words --> you unlock a dopex wallet --> you see 0 ETH --> someone claimed the dust before you. Game over.
    1. 🧧 Wot win?!

      We’re handing out Birthday gifts with a total value of over $5k in USD 🎊Any of the 5 wallets above will unlock one of the following prizes:

      🔹 15 $DPX

      🔹 10 $DPX

      🔹 25 $rDPX

      🔹 40 $rDPX

      🔹 50 $rDPX

      👀 Wot do I do?!

      We have a variety of activities lined up to help you crack any of the above wallets. The activities will be announced on Twitter, so make sure to follow us and turn on the notifications for twitter.com/dopex_io!

      Here's the first set of hints on how and where to find the mnemonic phrases (MPs) for each of the wallets. These activities will be held throughout the week, in random order:

    2. Keep an eye out on blogpost(s) that have bolded words + the Discord #watercooler channel for random drops of MPs.
    3. We may or may not release a quiz, the person who solves this quiz the fastest gets all 12 MPs handed to them.
    4. Belleenis (https://twitter.com/0x_Bella) or Nutoro (https://twitter.com/chutoro_au) may or may not tweet random musings or words throughout the week that, together, will lead to all 12 of the MPs.
    5. There may or may not be some sort of report with more hints about the 12 MPs.
    6. Words can be found in a set of 12 memes. Whether the hints are good enough for anyone to crack depends on how talented Nut-o-ro is in creating charade cards (hint: bereft of hope). The memes (4 each) will be dropped on the accounts of: our hat friends; Jones, Subsidiary; Diamond Pepes and our own twitter!
    7. 🗓️ Timeline

      We will end this scavenger hunt on 2nd of July at 2pm UTC.

      If all 5 wallets are unlocked before this date we may end earlier, if any of the wallets remain locked after the deadline we will discuss internally how to go about it and announce it after the 2nd of July. If the team or community suspects any foul play the team reserves the right to amend the rules.Please raise any other questions or concerns you may have to the team on Discord.gg/dopex

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

📱Stay Connected

Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date with everything Dopex.

Twitter | Discord | Website


Be careful of fake Telegram groups, Discord servers and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate Dopex.