We celebrate our first birthday together! We also reveal the winners of our Dopex Birthday comic competition that was held.

Good morning Dopefam! And A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DOPEX!

One whole year! We've gone through an entire year. From our initial TGE, the opening of farms, the introduction of SSOVs the Dopex bridgoor and Halloween NFTs, the opening of OTC, the creation of the Diamond Pepes, the introduction of IR vaults and now the launch of veDPX, it's safe to say that we've managed to build a new and innovative product unique from any other in the Defi space. But we're not done just yet as we have plenty of products sitting on our pipeline. Slowly but surely we are building, and we hope that you continue this journey with us for the years to come. Now, onto our birthday comic event. As a refresher for the unaware, we ran a birthday competition throughout the month of June where our community members were tasked with creating a comic with our favorite characters from the Diamond Pepes, Mithical, Jones, Plutus and the JPEG’d community. The Dopex team, along with the judges from Jones, Plutus, Mithical and JPEG’d have gone through the many submissions we received over the past month and have selected the following winners! We hope you enjoy these submissions as much as we did.

Team Dopex and JPEG’d selection: yhigorrr#5199

Twitter: @yhigorrr


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

gm weenis

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

Genuinely, how surreal and dope the dopex nation is- team, ecosystem, associates and community.

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

Much like in the comic, except I was listening to a tetra podcast on what is supposed to bring UPONLY.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

Sorry I dont have food for toddlers in my fridge.

Esteemed CEO Nutoro selection: Flipwaan#8265


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?


  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

My inspiration for the comic came from the most esteemed. I thought, if CEO was throwing a party, what might happen?

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

My journey started with Dopex in January this year. It was all over CT and I had to see what the bull was all about.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

A meal fit for a CEO: Oven baked salmon, garlic butter potatoes, pan seared broccollini sprinkled with some DN salt and fresh lemon.

Team Jones selection: iamyou#2843


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?


  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

When the cat's away the mice will play

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

I first heard about dopex before there were any products and before the presale. I kept an eye on the discord and bought into the presale.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

Kimchi fried rice. Extra hot.

Team Mithical selection: A-Sizzlooor Softwood#7560 Twitter: @DegenGrinder


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

I would like to take this moment to thank everyone in the Dopex Family for all of their constant and endless hard work. Dopex to me resembles persistence and consistency. Each and every day, the grueling nonstop hours that I see being put into trying to achieve greatness is very inspiring to me. Through the whole dopex family / group. Each part of Dopex should be very proud and I am so thankful I was introduced to the Dopex family. I am extremely excited for what the future brings to all of us. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart ! Also, despite the CEO having an addiction to DN, I think we can all look past that and appreciate all of his hard work and his amazing skills/mind.

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

I am a HUGE DP/NU fan. The CEO inspires me daily to be better. I truly appreciate how he demeans all of his employees including myself. One of my favorite places used to be the Depths-of-hell, but with it being summer time, hell is even hotter these days. After studying under and being a Dopex employee under ze great CEO Nutoro. I was officially appointed the PEO (Pleb Executive Officer) myself !!!!

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

Well my journey started months and months back actually through my nephew and his mastah trainer Zackuumurai. He introduced me to Dopex and the Dopex family and I fell in love. Similar to how the CEO feel in love at first sight with DN. (But that is another story for another day). I was then introduced to the amazing, awesome, outstanding Mithical Sami’s. I was homeless and then I met Sensei Frank, the CEO of Beggoors and The Godfather of ze Beggooor Mafia. Sensei Frank took me in and taught me the Beggooor ways. “ GIB, Moar Moar Moar, need WL now, GIB, GIB, GIB”. At first my arms could barely reach out to beg. They would get tired and sore often. However, Sensei Frank trained me day in and day out in the dojo. I spend most of my day in the DOJO as that is my 2nd home. Just behind my family, wife and kids. I then found myself a huge fan of the Diamond Pepes. I had to ape into that beautiful project immediately. I love everything about the DP’s. I then found myself sending a few nice, little sweet, Diamond Pepes into ze INFERNO’s …. and ever since then it has all been history in the making !!!

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

This here is … Ze Sensei Shrimpurai Beggooor Burger … one of the most sought after dishes in the world. Only the most esteemed or royalty are invited to enjoy its delicious and luxurious taste. The CEO will not be disappointed, I promise !


Team Plutus selection: Riumodenton#9675 Twitter: @Riumodenton


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ma’am! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

Booba, Groppa, and Nueenis! -Happy to be here, thanks everyone for the likes, shares, comments, and interactions. -Send seed phrase.

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

I wanted to be sure that people reading my comic would get a good laugh, so the CEO was an easy target as the subject matter. To play off the company theme, I wanted the scene to be set in the office. The hardest thing was coming up with how the CEO would be tricked. I was torn between Dopex colleagues giving him balloons to blow up for the party, but CEO would discover afterwards that the balloons were in fact condoms. Kek. But I settled on a trick candle.

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

I had a friend introduce me to Dopex/defi in the late fall, and that’s how I moved out of Coinbase. I got myself a ledger, learned how to make transactions, made a CT, photoshopped some memes, and here we are now.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

Kek, I’m currently on holiday, so my fridge is pretty barren. To help CEO improve his skin and be more regular, I’d make him a green smoothie with some frozen organic spinach, frozen bananas and blueberries, almond milk, chia and hemp seeds, one scoop of protein powder and a scoop of collagen peptides.

Most odd comic selection: r4yme#3314 Twitter: @r4yme


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

Big balls, big autism, huge opportunity.

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

I was trying to make a comic that represents our community. Once on the spectrum, always on the spectrum.

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

I listened to Tetranode explain Dopex to Cobie and Ledgerstatus on Uponly and they had the audacity to diminish the project because of the name. Cobie perhaps too rich to care and Ledgerstatus had to midcurve it once again. I read up on the project and decided to take part in the sale.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

Titty milk that I received as a gift from Bulma and with that nut spread on banana bread. Only the best for the most esteemed CEO.

Most hideous (but funny to us) selection: xCOOL#8304


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

Love Dopex culture unironically the only non-cringe public crypto community I have found!

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

My inspiration was the webcomic Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, I feel like that era of the internet meshes well with the memes of the Dopex culture

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

For Dopex, I got into the early bonusr rDPX farm in summer of 2021 for that sweet sweet APR and stuck around because the discord is very engaging.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

I have recently been making pasta with a simple amatriciana sauce:

8 oz pancetta rendered for 15 min

add 28 oz smashed tomatoes cook on low for 10 min

1 package bucatini noodles al dente

Random selection: zekapeka#4782


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

Gm and good luck

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

Just googled and found one theme I can relate to, made my own variant

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

I started to visit dopex discord in summer 21, and am happy to learn a lot about options.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

I'd make our ceo beautiful green salad with ricotta and prosciutto

Random selection: PLZV_#4210


Here's a short interview with the winner:

  1. Hello ser! Congratulations on the win! What would you like to say to all the fellow Dopefam reading this?

Sers, The average daily notional value (volume multiplied by spot price) of traded single-stock options reached more than $450B in 2021 in tradfi. Do you think on-chain DEFI options will not capture any % of that share? Think twice degens. Once thinking is done support the best & the most DEFI adaptable team in the business.

  1. Firstly, what was your inspiration when making this comic?

I was sitting in the busy park in the middle of the day, kept looking at wennis and just got inspired. Now I understand how all these NFT creatoors get their inspiration. Kek

  1. Secondly, when/how did your journey with Dopex start?

I have been in discord since day one & participated in the public sale. Talking about the journey - I have been LP’ing DPX and rDPX since day one. Once you panic selling/buying I am accumulating either way.

  1. And finally, a question from our esteemed CEO Nutoro. Using ingredients in your fridge, create a meal fit for the most esteemed CEO.

CEO is getting fat - he needs to get back in shape. The best meal I could offer is 5 boiled eggs & carrot.

Once again, from Dopex and all the ecosystem partners, we would like to congratulate all the winners of the competition. Your prizes will be sent to you soon. We are also very grateful for all the community members who participated in this but didn't win a prize. We appreciate you all regardless. We are truly grateful to have such a strong and amazing community built around Dopex and none of this would have been possible without the involvement of everyone reading this. Whether you've been here since day 1 or just joined us, we appreciate your presence and participation in our events, from new product launches to community events like this one. We hope you stick around because there is a lot more to come that's in the making.

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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