Treasury Update - January 2023

Treasury Update - January 2023


a good project and strong team in a predictable and transparent roadmap

While the good project and strong team starts and ends with the CEO (“CFO” for the remainder of this post), the predictability and transparency does not stop with our roadmap!

Dopex Pty Ltd. is moderately excited to begin our end of month treasury updates. Keep in mind that any and all tasks that the CFO conducts is time taken away from the Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd.’s uwu collection.

With that said and done, let’s jump into the financials!


This report is based on Dopex’s protocol-owned wallets which can be found at the following addresses:

  • 0x04e38cdc3559fe6d91291cf4084d16340e4b585f
  • 0x7d6fadb02e70bfb6325cfd6ec5605e552115aa76
  • 0xb8689b7910954bf73431f63482d7dd155537ea7e
  • 0x2fa6f21ecfe274f594f470c376f5bdd061e08a37
  • 0x738ee36d7b860cefff526553e28a2b8928de4483
  • 0x0a95222b5ed8690a0279993e63903687536ccecd

These have been masterfully compiled in this Zapper profile here for your ease of perusal.

Note that some funds have been added or omitted from the protocol balances for the following reasons:


MM funds

We have funds deployed to external MMs amounting to 314 $DPX and 71 $ETH (~$200k USD at time of writing).

Source: Trust me bro

Written Options

We have funds deployed to write AP Perp and AP Straddle positions from the 0x7d6 account amounting to 489,914 $USDC (feel free to convert this amount to USD yourself - if you have any difficulties feel free to DM @0xSaitama#5945).

Source: Check the chain


Dust Amounts

Various dust amounts from our vlCVX rewards have been omitted to minimize my work load.


See attached for account balance as at 31 January 2023 (Australia time of course).


Got 33k ETH (~$52m at time of writing; 6.1k ETH or ~$9.6m excluding $DPX) lads, what floors we sweeping? Just yanking your chain haha.

For a nice little pie chart of breakdown per asset, please see below:


Very nice.




Since this is our first time conducting a treasury snapshot, there is no information for MoM performance. We will conduct monthly performance reviews for the sake of so-called “transparency” once data is made available.

As a point of comparison, Dopex raised 4,808 ETH during the public sale while our treasury balance today (excluding $DPX) is 6,127 ETH, an increase of ~27% in ETH value. Note that this is after $2,895,804.07 in operational expenses.

There is simply no second best.


Hope that you have enjoyed our first installment of Dopex Pty Ltd.’s treasury updates. Looking forward to presenting you with new data for the beautiful month of February. In the interim, please refrain from hunting our written option positions.

Until next time, my budding accountants.

Warm regards,

CFO (not to be confused with CEO)


Ah yes, exactly as per my calculations.

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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