The past couple of months the Dopefam community has expanded a lot on Discord & Twitter, and with each day we get to know you all a little bit better. Hearing your stories, seeing you guys support each other, and contributing in your own way to grow Dopex has been amazing. As part of a new series we want to give you a peek behind the scenes at Dopex too!

Today we’ll be interviewing a few of our team members. Keep reading, they’ve also been asked to share a little bit of α too :)

We’re starting off with our new Esteemed CEO:

📌 Chutoro A.K.A. Nutoro the most Esteemed(responsibility: CEO of Diamond Pepes Pty LTD)

When and how did you get into crypto?

CEO got into“cryptographic currencies” in 2017 and was savagely man-handled throughout 2018 as I am sure many of my Employees have experienced. After taking a hiatus for the next few years and seeing his dreadful bags depreciate to a fraction of ATH, he jumped back onto the ol’ crypto bus in 2021, refreshed, reinvigorated, and ready to take on new challenges.

How did your Dopex journey start?

What is “Dopex”? CEO yield minted the Diamond Pepes back in February. He has always loved pepes and to see them available as a so-called “free mint”. Only a preposterous fool would not take up that offer!

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

CEO would much prefer if you do not ask me questions about so-called “Dopex”. Let’s keep this conversation strictly business-related i.e. Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd.

Regarding what I like, there is nothing that I love more than our lovely community, whether you are an Employee, a non-NFT holder, or even a Sami scum. We have the most based cryptographic community that I know and I consider it a privilege to represent this beautiful Company.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Wake up 9am. Say good mnueenis to all my beautiful Employees. Shitpost (read: quality post). Make a coffee. Shitpost. Empty my bowels. Shitpost. Important business meetings. Shitpost. Lunch. Shitpost…

You get the drift. Expect quality only from the Most Esteemed.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

If I could choose multiple, every channel on the Diamond Pepes discord is incredible.

If I can really only choose one, there is no substitute for the EXCLUSIVE Boardroom. If you are aware, you are aware, as they say. Groppa.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?

Please don’t shill the CEO shitcoins, he is not interested. If he had to choose he would say $rDPX because it has one extra digit. Immaculately digit-pilled.

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

Work hard, be nice to everyone, buy a Nu.

Warm regards,


Now heading over to our master explainer 0xSaitama:

📌 0xSaitama AKA Saitama(responsibility: Content writer)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Back in 2018, life was getting pretty boring… I’ve became too strong, foes were disappointing nonetheless.

It took me a full 3 years of training to reach where I'm at. I guess it was a bit of an overkill. Every day I was setting myself new challenges! My smooth silky scalp muscles were lacking so I decided to train those muscles to be on par with my body, unfortunately, I've lost my hair in doing so.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I was out to go buy some kombu soup for my evening dinner when I heard this so-called “Tetranode” character shilling Dopex. I was surprised that an orca could even speak, out of curiosity since I was bored as shit, I went to check it out. My first thoughts were.. Frogs can also speak?!

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

The best thing about working at Dopex has to be the team/community. When things get too easy, it's nice to have people around with whom you can have laughs, conversations, etc

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Typical work day?

1-Wake up

2- Wash up

3-100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run

4- Punch noobs in the face

5-Then, Defi all day.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

Anyone that’s part of the Dopex discord will agree with me that we have one of the most engaging/active/fun community around. From Diamond Pepe NFTs to gigabrain alpha leaks, hard to find anything better.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?

Dpx! Sorry to all rdpx maxis but I’m here to accumulate power, wealth will come afterwards anyways =)

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

Alpha: Anyone who gets in my way when I’m busy gets punched.

Also don’t get caught up in drama. One of my favorite famous quotes “I'll leave tomorrow’s problems to tomorrow’s me.”

Followed by our newest Designer addition:

📌 Oolongdpx(responsibility: UI Designer)

When and how did you get into crypto?

I started with small BTC investments in 2016 and have been hooked since. Ended up learning about Dopex and witnessing it’s phenomenal rise under the stewardship of Tz and team.

How did your Dopex journey start?

After several discussions with Tz about the products, work culture, team and flexibility; I decided to take a chance!

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

As a designer, I’ve always been curious about the way things work around me. Added to that, there is always that urge to be part of a ‘meaningful’ project - Dopex seemed to be the right opportunity at the right time!

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Checking-in with Tz, RAE and Polymmo helps me understand what’s on the priority list. I usually look out for digital illustrations, iconography and UI tasks, in particular

What is your favorite Discord channel?

I usually lurk on most channels where our esteemed CEO decides to grace us with his presence

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto?

Patience is key!


Last but not least, CEO Nutoro has asked us to highlight two of his highly esteemed employees.The so called “Employees of the month”

📌 Omeguhh(responsibility: shitposting)

How did your Dopex journey start?

 I have known about Dopex since probably October of last year, but wasn’t able to really become active until earlier this year when I purchased my first rDPX and joined the rDPX-weth farm and joined the discord. The rest is history.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

The core team and the community are always ready to help with open arms. Dopex team is inspiring with how much they “walk the walk”. It’s inspired me to become a builder in this space as well. Community speaks for itself - very based, cool group of people who look out for each other.

Dopex this, Doodoopex that, who really cares am I right? Let’s get to the actual important questions. GROPPA.

Jfc finally

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of Diamond Pepes.

I am a founder of an adaptogen supplement biz and split my time between that and learning about web3. I love being outdoors when I can and fitness is a huge priority for me. When not in the DP discord, I can be found in coffee shops, startups, and wellness stores pitching our products, or outside enjoying the beauty of nature.

How did your Diamond Pepes journey start?

I staked all my LP (even bought more through selling other coins) to qualify for DPs. I got my first two and then immediately bought 3 more. Then another 2. Then was airdropped another. I’m in it for the art as they say.

What do you like most about Diamond Pepes?

This is tough - the community is the best I’ve personally been a part of. The sex appeal, utility, “quality” posts, community all tie for first. Hard to choose when everything is so elite.

Please post an image of your favorite Diamond Pepe. What would its fair valuation (in Ethereal Dollars) be?


Tough call but I would have to pick my grail Nu. I’ve actually had this one professionally evaluated by our ceo himself, and while I’d remark that the number seems kind of low, this is just his recommendation based on conservative estimates: 99999999999999999999999Ξ

Who is your role model and why? (there is only one correct answer)My nu from another boo, Nuturo, aka ceo, aka mr steal your girl, aka mr worldwide, aka why your mom left your dad, aka benevolent leader, aka The Most Esteemed, aka the sultan of swag, etc etc. Why? I suppose you also ask what dn is. Why this - why that - WHY don’t you get yourself some female companionship.

Please follow this link, complete the quiz, and post a screenshot of your results below.


Justify your result.

This test is clearly a farce - I’m clearly autistic. (see

Booba, groppa, or nueenis? Justify your answer.

Booba. However, groppa and nueenis work in a pinch too. Booba is what makes the earth rotate around the sun. It is both the yin and yang - light and dark. You cannot have groppa and nueenis without booba. Booba is all things good - it is life itself.

What are you thankful for on this beautiful day?

My health. The fact that my financial, mental, physical, spiritual wealth is all in my control. The fact that I have two arms, two legs, and a brain. I have friends that I love. Im thankful that no matter what comes our way we are destined to win. I have a lot of comfort in that. Not to mention, each nu day is better than the last - today is all we have and with that, my life only continues to get better each and every day.

Also my gen 1 nu. Pretty grateful for that as well.

What is your favorite e-mail sign off? (warm regards, yours truly, etc.)

“With Deep Admiration” or mayhaps “Mush Love” because I’m a fun-gi hehe

📌 Riumodenton(responsibility: shitposting)

How did your Dopex journey start?

Dopex was actually my first venture outside of a Coinbase wallet. I met a certain someone in this community late last year (a Dopex maxi) and he/she/they started mentoring me on the whole crypto world (networks, ledgers, LPs, farming, bridges, swaps, discord, you name it…). If it wasn’t for this person, I’d still be in Coinbase (so thank you very much, ser). I jumped into Dopex headfirst, while immersing myself with web3 all at once.

I come from a design/creative background, with minimal knowledge in trading & options, so everything is still pretty new to me. I’m still on the learning curve, (or maybe just riding the short bus). I’ve been autistically taking notes, listening to defi podcasts, and everything in-between to hopefully catch up with the rest of y’all. It took me a long time to get comfortable doing transactions on my own.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

As a newb comparing what I see in other Discords and projects, I feel like Dopex has the strongest group of believers/devotees. Tokenomics are discussed heavily, and questions get answered. It’s because the founder knows his sh*t. Anyone that understands Dopex in this early lifecycle stage has IQs wayyyy above mine, and I feel like the fly on the wall that hopefully benefits from being around it.

On top of that, I love the Dopex community. Everyone that interacts in the Discord channel is absolutely bonkers, autistic, and degens. But they do it in a humorous way, which makes it even better. I look forward to opening the app every day and have certainly laughed a bunch from it.

Dopex this, Doodoopex that, who really cares am I right? Let’s get to the actual important questions. GROPPA.

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of Diamond Pepes.

I went to school for advertising, and work as a graphic designer (print, web, presentation design, social media campaigns, etc).

When I’m not working, I like to cook, visit dive bars, and play board games with my friends when the weather outside is garbage. I’m also a travel and food aficionado. I’ve done solo backpacking trips to Thailand, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Philippines, and I’ll eat practically any street food that is offered. Favorite countries I’ve visited would probably be Japan, Morocco, and Vietnam.

Currently in the web3 space, I have been laying out ideas for designing NFTs, so be on the lookout in the next few months!

How did your Diamond Pepes journey start?

Originally, I had the intention of minting Mithicals (which would have been my first NFTs), but me being a newb and not having my mentor around, I didn’t put in enough to get any. So when DP launched, I made sure to carefully follow instructions. kek.

What do you like most about Diamond Pepes?

Schmoozing my way into the #boardroom, and being the first to shatter the diamond ceiling.Making memes of Diamond Pepes has also been a wonderful adventure.

Please post an image of your favorite Diamond Pepe. What would its fair valuation (in Ethereal Dollars) be?

#1409. Arabian pepe who slept a little too long on the beach and now has a sunburn. Good enough to get printed and framed. Valued at 10.45 Ethereal dollars.


Who is your role model and why? (there is only one correct answer)

Our great leader Nutoro, of course.

Please follow this link, complete the quiz, and post a screenshot of your results below.


Justify your result.

I’ve spent the last few weeks extracting Diamond Pepes characters, zooming in enough that every pixel is precisely cut. Rinse, repeat. Somehow I find it soothing.

Booba, groppa, or nueenis? Justify your answer.

Booba. Who doesn’t like boobas, am I right?

What are you thankful for on this beautiful day?

I am thankful for good health, having a job, straight teeth, plants that haven’t died on me, tall friends, and Google Maps (remember fold-out maps and Mapquest?).

But on a serious note, I am thankful for this community (that means you), for answering my dumb questions, liking my memes, giving me trading advice, and just welcoming me with open arms. And a special thank you to those that have helped with my crypto journey through art commissions and donations, with which I was able to purchase new equipment for design work (that means more memes!).

What is your favorite e-mail sign off? (warm regards, yours truly, etc.)

Forever yours, Riumodenton

We hope you enjoyed these short Q&A sessions with our team! Let us know what else you’d like to hear about by tagging 0x_Bella or Ax in the Dopex Discord.

💡 To read more about our team or seed investors, please head over to past Dopex Insider editions here!

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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