The past couple of months the Dopefam community has expanded a lot on Discord & Twitter, and with each day we get to know you all a little bit better. Hearing your stories, seeing you guys support each other, and contributing in your own way to grow Dopex has been amazing. As part of a new series, we want to give you a peek behind the scenes at Dopex too!

Today we’ll be interviewing a few of our team members. Keep reading, they’ve also been asked to share a little bit of α too :)

We’re starting off with our dev favorite:

📌 Witherblock A.K.A. WB(responsibility: Lead Dev)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Started my first dev job back in 2017, worked in a couple of industries until I joined Dopex.

How did your Dopex journey start?

In 2019 was introduced to crypto by tz and his idea for Dopex (was a little too early for me to join back then), and later in 2020 got heavily involved in Dopex’s development and now we are here.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

Super challenging work and an amazing team.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Wake up from 2 hours of sleep, pray to the dopex gods and code.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

Gm channel.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

Not everyone can be good at markets so just in case you are wondering how to make it: Work in what you love and try being the best at it, Invest in what you believe and understand, Be open to change, disruptive change.

Now heading over to our talented NFT-as-a-side-job devmaster:

📌 Psytama A.K.A. Psy(responsibility: Dev)

When and how did you get into crypto?

I got into crypto as soon as I was done with uni and initially started trading and scalping.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I was brought on board by wb and tz in the initial stages of Dopex for frontend work as I didn’t have a lot of experience working with smart contracts.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

All the new things and tech I learn and the opportunity to talk to frogs on CT. And the money :).

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

  • Get up
  • Eat
  • Workout
  • Shower
  • Work
  • Eat
  • Work
  • sleep

What is your favorite Discord channel?


You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?

$DPX for life.

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

Investing in good projects early on after diligent research will provide you with gains far superior to what you might get trading and helps your sanity.

Next up is our favorite pizzadev:

📌 Holypepperoni A.K.A. Hp(responsibility: Dev)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Ironically, I got into it since the Doge hype back in January this year. Went ballz deep into it with all my savings from my internships and made some good money. Never had money like this during my undergrad years and it made me feel good.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I’ve always loved digging deeper into any form of tech I use. It never made sense to me how money was seemingly made from thin air in blockchain. Been digging into it since then, and eventually found out you could code on Ethereum. Now we’re here.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

Seeing success stories from our community members about how the protocol we built helped them have some level of financial security.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

As soon as I wake up I spend about 10–15 minutes going through discord for any updates from the team or the community.

I make a list of tasks and order them by priority and amount of effort in my notes.

I waste another 10–15 minutes on my phone, then start my day with coffee and sometimes no breakfast.

I prioritize low-effort but moderately critical tasks then move on to tasks that are on our roadmap.

When I get stuck or have a mind block I spend time away from my pc. I either go for a walk or simply watch something on netflix. Usually it clicks while I’m engaged in another activity. If all else fails, I ask a senior dev for advice.

What is your favorite Discord channel?


You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.



Dopex team photograph — missing Arcwardeth, 0xCasio and HALKO as they joined the team later.

Followed by our UI wizard:

📌 Hakho A.K.A. Polymmo(responsibility: Product design & UI)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Like many other graduates from 2013, my first experience was on the Silk Road. I didn’t care for the price back then because as a broke uni student the only thing that mattered was the time between me and my fix. Onboarded with fiat from PayPal and bought my first Bitcoin(s) on Virwox.

Things are obviously different today but needless to say I’m very grateful to still be part of crypto.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I heard about Tz looking for designers and I reached out about a one-time job as a way for me to pass some time. This was my first time designing with form in years. When I left my last design job, Figma was still invite-only. Designers reading this should get an idea of which paradigm I’m coming from. It was peak Dribbble, peak flat design and peak apple.

Turns out designing for DeFi was a lot of fun and Tz kindly asked me to join the team.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

Every team member in Dopex is in their own unique ways attached to crypto and are naturally good at it. Being around them helps me fill my blindspots in this space and has greatly heightened my own viewpoints in crypto. It’s a privilege to work with them.

The community is also on-point without a doubt. I’m not a very talkative person but I swear I try to read every message in there and it’s evident imo you all are half the reason why I love Dopex.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Morning and afternoons are spent on crypto twitter. Evening and night is Discord and Dopex. There’s plenty of overlap but generally that’s how I’ve been trying to frame my days lately.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

JPEG Mafia.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

If you’ve made gains, recommend handing out play money for family and friends to spend in crypto. Worst case scenario you lose pocket change on a BSC rug teaching DeFi with play money. Best case, they turn their lives around and wagmi.

Last but not least we finish with our adorable but overworked CFA lvl 1 candidate:

📌 Dopex Intern A.K.A. Unpaid Intern(responsibility: bring coffee and spill alpha)

When and how did you get into crypto?

My cousin bought Shiba on Binance. I was studying for my finals back then and once I passed my exams I delved deeper into crypto.

How did your Dopex journey start?

One of my university exams was about derivatives. I wanted to create a presentation about crypto derivatives and that’s how I came across DyDx, Deribit, Opyn and Dopex. Dopex is still in an early stage so I joined the community.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

I work so much and so hard I forget about my other problems (like no gf).

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

It’s a mix of working and studying, I also still attend my university classes and prepare for my exams. I hardly ever sleep, I sometimes pass out in front of my screen, but I will make it.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

#general because people there are high-calibre.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?$DPX, I still need to learn more about $rDPX.

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

Do not fade tokens with a dog!

We hope you enjoyed these short Q&A sessions with our team. We have a total of 17 members in our team and will release a new series of Q&As for the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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