The past couple of months the Dopefam community has expanded a lot on Discord & Twitter, and with each day we get to know you all a little bit better. Hearing your stories, seeing you guys support each other, and contributing in your own way to grow Dopex has been amazing. As part of a new series, we want to give you a peek behind the scenes at Dopex too!

Today we’ll be interviewing a few of our team members. Keep reading, they’ve also been asked to share a little bit of α :)

We’re starting off with our community favorite:

📌 CorporealFeast A.K.A. Corp

(responsibility: community)

When and how did you get into crypto?

I got into crypto back in 2016, right before college when my dad gave me around $1000ish in BTC as a birthday gift. Did some trading there for a couple of years although lost most of it. Started once again in 2020, learning how to use Uniswap, Meme/Degen Farms among others.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I was out of work for a good year, relying mostly on trading gains. TzTokChad and Witherblock personally told me about the platform, ready to be launched this year, backed by some big names. They encouraged me to work in a moderation role and I was able to join the team about a month after the community was formed. The whole Dopex team is actually pretty cool and I learned a lot from each of them.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

I like the community, actually. Everyone is willing to learn something new and there’s always hype in the chat whenever a new release is scheduled. I still have trouble comprehending HALKO or TzTokChad’s ideas and alpha because they have a ton of them and it takes a while to understand.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

I actually have a more flexible schedule but I am usually checking Discord first thing after waking up. Even if I’m out and about, I’ll make sure to check at least a few times and make sure there’s no funny stuff going on. We have biweekly calls with the Marketing and Product Management team, to get our schedule sorted for Dopex releases and events. We have to keep the community engaged and up to date with everything happening from the product side as well.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

I like to chill on #general, #og, #market-discussion nowadays and #jpeg-mafia-ogs before they made their own DAO.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?

I have and use both but more than 90% is in DPX due to my team-vested contract.

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto.

A good project and strong team in a predictable and transparent roadmap planned and projected, I think in the near future we will see an unprecedented growth of this project.

Now heading over to our Chief Mario Bro:

📌 MarioDigital A.K.A. Mari or MarioDiamond

(responsibility: community/DAO)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Back in 2017.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I dmed a Frog on Twitter and got the job.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

The culture.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Wake up;



Back to bed.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

The one you are not in.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto?

Never sell.

Well that was short and sweet, heading over to our Announcooor Marketing and Socials queen:

📌 0x_Bella A.K.A. Bello

(responsibility: product marketing)

When and how did you get into crypto?

I got into crypto in late 2016, via someone I knew who kept mentioning “Bitcoin and Blockchain”. I was intrigued by the technology and as a real degen started ‘investing’. I’d never invested in something before, not even stocks so was a total noob lol. Poloniex was the first exchange I interacted with and I knew this was gonna be my home after seeing the trollbox. Aped in my student savings and I was a genius for about a year until the 20k btc crash. I diamond-handed all the way through without selling a coin and sort of survived lol.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I figured Reddit wasn’t a good source of information so moved over to Twitter, not much better kek (jk)… I found UpOnly and listened to Tetra. Checked out Tz’s tweets and figured he was a boss, so well here we are.. “hi Boss!”.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

Sounds cliche but it’s the people, both internally as well as our community. Unlike TradFi I’ve never felt like an outsider (yeah women still get treated differently in Tardfi). Now I just wake up gm and go to bed gm!

Also, it’s an amazing feeling knowing you’re putting an awesome product out — that people care about — in a revolutionary industry with a group of fun anon friends.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

  • Managing social channels;
  • Partnership marketing;
  • Planning campaigns;
  • Merch & DAO/Contributors stuff;
  • Mario’s slave jk, ..not jk.

What is your favorite Discord channel?

#Market-discussions for free alpha.

You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?

Hmm, my heart says DPX but my bags say rDPX kek.

What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto?

1. Always say yes to asymmetric bets.

2. Diversification is for protecting wealth, but concentration is for creating it.

Dopex team photograph — missing Arcwardeth, 0xCasio and HALKO as they joined the team later.


Followed by our Alpha king:

📌 Xenesis A.K.A. Xen

(responsibility: business development)

When and how did you get into crypto?

Silk Road rabbit hole led me to bitcoin and then C++, taught myself C++, C#, Java, and Python between 2015–2018. Got into crypto writing docs + articles and scripts for crypto YouTubers. I finished highschool at the end of 2019, got real serious about crypto 2020. I started by freelancing python work (bots etc), then eventually got into DeFi dev with sol, py, and js, and yeah.

How did your Dopex journey start?

I dm’d TztokChad when he announced Dopex on Twitter.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

We have fostered a great community. I love it.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Wake up, eat cereal, get high, shitpost, work.

What is your favorite Discord channel?


You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto?

Make friends and don’t use leverage.

Last but not least we finish with our continuously overleveraged day trader:

📌 Liquideshun A.K.A. Scrooge McDuck

(responsibility: community)

When and how did you get into crypto?

2017 — Served Satoshi his big Mac while working at McDonald’s.

How did your Dopex journey start?

Followed TZ on Twitter;

Introduced to the project by TZ;

Found it interesting & joined as a mod.

What do you like most about working at Dopex?

Community memboors.

Diamond pepes & memes.

What does a typical (work)day look like for you?

Connect to discord and chat with community memboors.

Chat with devs & help resolve community memboor queries.

What is your favorite Discord channel?


You can only choose one; team $DPX or $rDPX?


What alpha can you share with the community, something you learned from your time in crypto?

Sell right kidney on the dark web & buy $dpx.

Sell left kidney on the dark web & buy $rpdx.

We hope you enjoyed these short Q&A sessions with our team. We have a total of 17 members in our team and will release a new series of Q&As for the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!

About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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